Monday, February 25, 2008

Growing up...

For those of you who know and see my family on a regular basis, you would know that my daughter has the cutest head of blondy curls ever (yes, I'm completely bias). Well, she hasn't always had them, as a matter of fact she hasn't really had much hair at all until the past 4-5 monthes, so as you can imagine I was thrilled to find out that she now has enough hair to wear little clippies! Jaden on the other hand has downsized in the hair category, he also had such cute curls and it took FOREVER for me to bring myself to cut them off. The curls eventually became less and less and then I had a girl so I figured it was time to let go :) What does this have to do with anything? Well, tonight I was just going through some old pictures and I found the baldest little Sammy and Jaden with a head full of crazy hair, they change so quickly *sigh*. Here are some "old" and "updated" pictures of both of them.

Jaden 3 years old:

Jaden now, almost 5! What a handsome boy:)

My "baldy bean," Sammy, one year old.

She has dropped the "baldy bean" title and graduated to "goldilocks" :) if we can only get her to keep the clips in her hair, she wasn't too excited about them...


JRV said...

its crazy how fast those gorgeous curls sprouted up on Samantha's head. Completely adorable.

alisha said...

Such precious pictures! They do grow up so fast!

Shannon said...

I HEART Samantha!
Both your kids are so cute!
I can't believe how fast they grow up!

Adri said...

Your kids are really cute. I love the scowl in the last photo. Isn't that a classic "girl" look? :)