Saturday, March 1, 2008

Don't you hate it when...

you wear your jeans more than once without washing them (yes, it's true, sorry if that grosses you out) although I would never wear sweats more than once, isn't that odd? Anyhow you wear your jeans more than once and you're like, hmm, I feel good, did I lose weight? Yeah! Then you wash your jeans and wear them for the first time after a washing and you're like dang!...shortlived ;)


Alisa Frei said...

you just described every other day (and sometimes every 2 days)of my jean wearing life. Nothing like the "muffin effect" with a newly washed and dried pair of jeans.

Adri said...

Unless they get something really gross on them...I probably wear my jeans at least 5 times before I wash them. Otherwise I'm a pretty clean person. :)

Jennifer said...

I knew I wasn't the only one out there, thanks for coming out of the closet (haha, that was a great pun!)