Friday, March 7, 2008

A day in the life of a "Terrible Two"...

As with most mothers, my day starts out pretty ordinary, I wake up around noon while my personal chef finishes up a gourmet brunch (falling within weight watchers points specifications, of course). After brunch I relax to a deep tissue massage and aromatherapy, followed by a pedicure or manicure only as needed (I wouldn't want to be wasteful, ya know;). Once I have finished my daily ritual, I wake up and realize that it was all a dream and that my life goes a little more like this...

Any meal time usually ends with quite the mess (and Sammy is wearing most of it), I wonder how chubby her little cheeks would be if more food actually made it to her tummy?

She now needed a bath so I went to turn the bath water on and went back to clean up the "aftermath" of mealtime, well, apparently Sammy isn't much for waiting so she decided she would proceed without me... Clearly she doesn't mind bathing fully clothed (she's so modest;)

After bathtime, (without her diaper and jammies) Sammy thought she should stay in the spirit of "keeping it clean", at least that's what I'm guessing was going through her little mind when she dumped a half a bottle of shampoo on the carpet, lovely! There was so much shampoo that I had to pour water into the carpet and then scrape it into a cup, empty, rinse, repeat.

While I was cleaning the shampoo mess, she was, yet again, one step ahead of me emptying the kitchen drawers. (I could really use that massage and aromatherapy right about now:)

You really think the saga would be ending by now, but mommy left the cup of soapy water in the living room while she picked up the kitchen utensils, could any child really withstand that temptation? Is this like getting your hand caught in the cookie jar?

Are you exhausted from reading this post yet?


camery said...

Oh, you are such a trooper! What a day you've had! I'm glad you finally made it out the door. Enjoy your "time off" and I hope you don't think I believe Nana gave her those beads. I've heard there's only one way to earn beads at Mardi Gras! :)

alisha said...

LOL! Kids are nothing but trouble :)--and that's why we love them so. Sammy is so stinkin' cute! These are the kind of days that are SO good as memories to make us smile.

Alisha Marlatt said...

Oh, that sounds like my little Edyn! Theya re so cute that even though you are mad at them you have a hard time staying that way. i think Heavenly Father made them so darn cute that you couldn't stay mad, knowing they would be naughty. Sammy definitely qualifies as cute, I'm sure I would have a hard time staying made at her with her cute little face!